8 Warning Signs Your Cat Needs to Go to the Veterinarian
January 10, 2023 7:11 pm Leave your thoughtsTaking care of your pets means keeping an eye out for warning signs of potential medical problems. If your kitty is showing signs of an illness or disease, you need to schedule veterinary services for cats to get them checked out and figure out the best treatment option.
8 warning signs you can watch for so you know when it’s time to take your cat to the vet.
1. Signs of Distress
Cats aren’t usually shy when they’re not feeling well, so there are some obvious signs of distress you might notice. If your cat won’t stop meowing or yowling, that could mean they’re experiencing some kind of pain or discomfort. Your cat could have a minor injury, or they could be dealing with the early signs of a serious disease. You may also notice your cat going into hiding when they’re distressed. If you notice any of these signs, you should schedule an appointment with your vet.
2. Vomiting
While it’s not unusual for cats and dogs to vomit from time to time, vomiting is often a sign of an underlying medical issue. Your cat might simply have an upset stomach, but they may be vomiting because they got into something that’s toxic to cats. If your cat is vomiting, take a look at their vomit before you brush it off as an upset stomach. Vomit that looks tarry and black could be a result of internal bleeding, and pale yellow or green vomit can be a sign of an underlying disease. Even frequent vomiting of hairballs can be a sign of an underlying GI condition.
3. Diarrhea
Diarrhea is another common sign of stomach issues in cats, which can range from a minor upset stomach to the ingestion of toxins and other medical emergencies. You may notice your cat has diarrhea after switching to a new type of food, or they may have diarrhea after eating too much. If your cat has diarrhea with no discernable cause, they might have an upset stomach or a chronic medical condition that’s causing it. You should contact us or your other local vet and ask about your cat’s symptoms if they’ve had diarrhea more than once over the course of a few days.
4. Urination Problems
Frequent urination is another common sign of medical problems in cats. Diabetes is one of the biggest concerns if your cat is urinating too much or having trouble urinating. Along with frequent or infrequent urination, you may also notice blood in the urine, excessive thirst, and pain and discomfort. Urination problems in cats can be a result of lots of different diseases, so taking your cat to the vet is a crucial first step. A vet clinic can perform tests to figure out why your cat is experiencing these issues, what the best treatment option is, and what pet supplies you may need to treat it.
5. Limping
If you notice your cat limping or walking strangely, there’s a good chance they’ve got something stuck in their paw or a leg injury. A thorn in the paw or a small scratch on the paw isn’t typically a big deal, but you should take your cat to the vet to make sure they’re not dealing with a more serious injury. Broken bones and other major injuries can cause cats a lot of discomfort, and your vet can help you decide on the best treatment plan if your cat suffers a serious injury.
6. Fatigue
Cats can be lazy from time to time, but there’s a certain level of fatigue that’s often a sign of an underlying medical condition. Chronic medical conditions, injuries, and illnesses can take a serious toll on your cat, and you may notice they’re extremely fatigued as a result. While it’s normal for cats to lounge around throughout the day, you should start to worry if your cat is moving sluggishly and refusing to come when you call it. Signs of fatigue are often accompanied by signs of distress, including frequent meowing and yowling. If your cat is overly fatigued and seems to be in some discomfort, call your vet to get an expert’s opinion.
7. Loss of Appetite
Like most animals, cats are usually more than happy to eat when food is placed in front of them. If your cat is suddenly refusing to eat or hardly eating any of their food, they might not be feeling well. Cats can lose their appetite as a result of a simple upset stomach, but that loss of appetite typically doesn’t last long. You may also notice a lack of appetite if you try switching to a new brand or type of food. If your cat has a sudden, unexplained loss of appetite, there’s a good chance they’re sick and need to go to the vet.
8. It’s Been More Than a Year
If you want to keep your cat happy and healthy, you need to take them to the vet on a regular basis. Yearly visits to the vet help you figure out what’s going on with your cat before they’re feeling extreme pain or discomfort. Your vet can look for signs of developing diseases and other issues thanks to years of experience and advanced testing and imaging tools. If your cat hasn’t been to the vet in more than a year, you should schedule an appointment for a checkup.
Keep Your Fluffy Friend Healthy
Because cats can’t talk, it can be tough to figure out when your cat isn’t feeling well. As a pet owner, you should be aware of these 8 warning signs that it may be time for a vet visit. If you notice any of these signs that it’s time to take your cat to the vet, call Rolling Plains Veterinary Corporation to schedule an appointment today.
Categorised in: Warning Signs Your Cat Needs a Vet
This post was written by Dr. Marc Phillipot